Monday, July 30, 2012

I just came back from my vacation,we went to Fort Gaines where I got to watch a blacksmith make that       
fish! Before this was a long stick of steel. It turns out that Fort Gaines is haunted! It's SO cool!!;)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Watching an old fashioned scary movie.
Ohh may the ghost haunt. BOO!
Little birdie:)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Went to an awesome cave today here are some great pics! It was so fun! We dropped 12 stories underground! It was so much fun!

This looks like the Titanic.

This one looks like The Leaning Tower Of  Pisa is upside down.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Family cooking night, just got done making black beans and rice with my dad. Here's the recipe:

1 can of black beans
1Tbs Jerk seasoning
1Tbs Smoked Paprika
1Tbs Ground Cumin
1Tbs Garlic Salt
1 Bag of instant rice

You mix the black beans and spices. Cook the rice. Then mix the black beans and spices with the rice.

Little Birdie
Just got done making rice crispy treats!Yum can't wait for dinner!

Little Birdie

Friday, July 6, 2012

Can't wait till we go to go to the beach!
Ha, only sixteen days pics will be up soon!
Little Birdie.